This directory contains results updated in real time from an experiment about the partly supervised learning of representations and concepts.

The code is available on and a summary of the whole experiment is available as a thread on

accuracy and perplexity plots
examples of quizzes from the reference hand-designed tasks.
quizzes that have been created by the generative models.
prediction on quizzes. Green and red frames indicate what has been predicted and if it is correct.
generation of quizzes.
other files
20240913-17:27:31 wrote ae_002.pth
20240913-17:27:31 wrote ae_003.pth
20240913-17:27:32 wrote ae_004.pth
20240913-17:27:33 wrote ae_005.pth
20240913-17:27:33 wrote ae_006.pth
20240913-17:27:34 wrote ae_007.pth
20240913-17:27:34 wrote ae_008.pth
20240913-17:27:35 wrote ae_009.pth
20240913-17:27:35 epoch_duration 9min2s next_finish 17:36:37
20240913-17:27:35 wrote state.pth
20240913-17:27:35 --- epoch 583 ----------------------------------------
20240913-17:27:35 current_test_accuracies 0.9477 0.9172 0.9506 0.9460 0.9481 0.9455 0.9536 0.9456 0.9477 0.9328
20240913-17:27:35 time_train=8453 time_c_quizzes=0
20240913-17:27:35 nb_c_quizzes 3293
20240913-17:27:35 dummy_rand tensor([0.0584])
20240913-17:27:35 dummy_rand tensor([0.7006])
20240913-17:29:39 train_loss 583 model 9 0.012872862622883986
20240913-17:29:39 train_loss 583 model 1 0.01143296112013013
20240913-17:29:55 test_loss 583 model 9 0.01035431654817785
20240913-17:29:55 test_loss 583 model 1 0.009346395148463386